Dawn Biehler is author of the forthcoming book Animating Central Park: A Multispecies History, to be released in late 2024 from University of Washington Press. She is also author of Pests in the City: Flies, Bedbugs, Cockroaches, and Rats, also from University of Washington Press. Originally from upstate New York, she lives in Washington, DC, with her multispecies family. Her research in Baltimore includes work with community organizations about environmental justice, green space, housing and food justice, mosquito ecology, and the local effects of climate change. She is Associate Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies at University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). Find out more about her research and teaching at her academic web site or Google Scholar page.
Em Schumacher is a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), where she is pursuing a degree in Geography and Environmental Studies. Upon completion of her studies, Em intends to pursue a career working with geographic information systems technology.